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Who We Are

The New Hampshire Hospital Association (NHHA) is dedicated to providing leadership through advocacy, education, and information to support 31 member hospitals and health care systems. Established in 1934, NHHA is a nonprofit, member-driven organization led by a 15 member Board of Trustees composed of New Hampshire’s hospitals and health systems leaders.
Find out more about the impact and contributions hospitals have made to address the needs and leverage the strengths of their communities.

Our Vision :

The NHHA vision is of a healthy New Hampshire where all communities and individuals are able to reach their highest potential for health.

Our Mission :

The NHHA mission is to lead through advocacy, education, and information in support of its member hospitals and health systems as they strive to improve the health of the patients and communities they serve.

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Our Values :

  • Leadership

    to advocate with and for our members so that they may fulfill the mission of providing their patients with the right care at the right time, in the right place, every time.

  • Integrity

    to be honest, credible and reliable in service to our members, our relationships with others and our colleagues.

  • Stewardship

    to be prudent stewards of the resources entrusted to us to best serve our members, key stakeholders and colleagues.

  • Team Work

    to actively value, encourage and support our colleagues across all of our organizations—the Association, Foundation for Healthy Communities, member hospitals and partner organizations—in the work that we do.

  • Innovation

    to foster and engage our members in the development of fresh perspectives and bold approaches that enable them to better serve the patients and communities who depend on them.

  • Excellence

    to constantly strive for the best in all that we do on behalf of our members, our colleagues, and other key partners and stakeholders.

  • Engagement

    to embody a commitment to work together with our members to improve, with a unified voice, health, and health care for all in New Hampshire.

  • Partnership

    to actively build relationships that allow us to collaborate and partner with our communities, other key stakeholders and one another to support health and health care improvement in New Hampshire.


Hospital Membership

NHHA represents 31 hospitals & health systems – 13 Critical Access Hospitals, 13 Large Community Hospitals, and 5 Specialty Hospitals. Members rely on the Association for information, education, and collaborative leadership to share best practices and advance New Hampshire’s hospitals’ ability to provide exceptional, quality healthcare. NHHA programs and events span a wide range of participation from our hospitals, including hospital CEOs, CFOs, CIOs, COOs, CNOs, CMOs, and hospital trustees, as well as human resources, purchasing, revenue cycle, marketing & communications, quality & safety, health information management, compliance, and many others within our hospitals and health systems.

Corporate Membership

NHHA is proud to have more than 42 Corporate Members whose support provides an invaluable bond between the business community and our member hospitals. Becoming a Corporate Member provides access to healthcare leaders and executives. It can assist you in fostering positive relationships with new and current customers, anticipate trends and changes in the healthcare environment, and identify new opportunities for reaching New Hampshire’s healthcare market. Download our Corporate Membership Brochure.

Foundation for Healthy Communities

Founded in 1968 as an education and research organization for the NHHA, the Foundation for Healthy Communities (FHC) is a nonprofit organization that works statewide to improve health and healthcare for all. FHC creates innovative partnerships between New Hampshire hospitals, health plans, home care agencies, community organizations, and other healthcare stakeholders to focus on the quality of care, access to health services, and prevention as the major priorities of work.

American Hospital Association

Founded in 1898, the American Hospital Association (AHA) is the national organization representing and serving all types of hospitals, health care networks, and their patients and communities. AHA ensures that members’ perspectives and needs are heard and addressed in national health policy development, legislative and regulatory debates, and judicial matters. Nearly 5,000 hospitals, health care systems, networks, other providers of care, and 43,000 individual members come together to form the AHA.

NH Association for Hospital Auxiliaries

The New Hampshire Association of Hospital Auxiliaries and Volunteers is an organization whose purpose is to help educate auxilians/volunteers on what’s happening at the State level in health care. It also provides an opportunity to share ideas on recruiting, retention, recognition, fund-raising, and gift shops.

2022 August

August 2022 Legislative Newspaper

NHHA represents 31 hospitals & health systems – 13 Critical Access Hospitals, 13 Large Community Hospitals, and 5 Specialty Hospitals. Members rely on the Association for information, education, and collaborative leadership to share best practices and advance New Hampshire’s hospitals’ ability to provide exceptional, quality healthcare. NHHA programs and events span a wide range of participation from our hospitals, including hospital CEOs, CFOs, CIOs, COOs, CNOs, CMOs, and hospital trustees, as well as human resources, purchasing, revenue cycle, marketing & communications, quality & safety, health information management, compliance, and many others within our hospitals and health systems.

New Hampshire Hospital Association Welcomes New Board Members, Honors Outgoing at Annual Meeting

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October 25, 2024 CONCORD – The New Hampshire Hospital Association (NHHA) is pleased to announce it has recently appointed new members and officers to its Board of Trustees for 2024-2025. New members elected to the NHHA’s Board of Trustees at its Annual Meeting held October 20th to 22nd were:

  • Deb Cresta, President, BI Lahey Exeter Hospital
  • Rich Scheinblum, Executive VP/Administration, CFO, Monadnock Community Hospital
In addition, the membership also elected new officers for the Board of Trustees:
  • Susan Reeves, EdD, RN, CENP, Executive Vice President, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center and Chief Nursing Executive of Dartmouth Health, Lebanon, was elected as the new Chair of the Board, replacing Greg Baxter, MD, MBA, FACEP, President & CEO of Elliot Health System, Manchester
  • Michael Peterson, FACHE, President & CEO of Androscoggin Valley Hospital, was elected as the Board’s Vice Chair; and
  • John Jurczyk, FACHE, MBA, President of St. Joseph Hospital, was elected as the Board’s Secretary/Treasurer.
Re-elected to serve another two-year term was:
  • Tom Manion, MPA, Chief Operating Officer, Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center
  The NHHA’s Board of Trustees also honored outgoing board member Jeremy Roberge, CPA, President and CEO of Huggins Hospital, as well as Dean Carucci, MBA, division  president, community division, Beth Israel Lahey Health, immediate past chair, for their dedication and commitment to NHHA and outstanding service to health care on behalf of the people of New Hampshire.  


  About New Hampshire Hospital Association Hospitals have been collaborating through the New Hampshire Hospital Association since 1934. The Association's mission is to lead through advocacy, education, and information in support of its member hospitals and health systems as they strive to improve the health of the patients and communities they serve.   Photo Credit: Amanda Bizarro Photography, LLC   Click here to download the press release

About AHA

The New Hampshire Hospital Association (NHHA) is dedicated to providing leadership through advocacy, education, and information to support 31 member hospitals and health care systems.

NHHA works diligently to help its members adapt to the immense challenges and shifts taking place in the healthcare industry as they strive to improve the health of the patients and communities they serve.The New Hampshire Hospital Association (NHHA) is dedicated to providing leadership through advocacy, education, and information to support 31 member hospitals and health care systems.

NHHA works diligently to help its members adapt to the immense challenges and shifts taking place in the healthcare industry as they strive to improve the health of the patients and communities they serve.

New Hampshire Legislators List

The links below allow you to view or download a list of New Hampshire legislators by hospital service area. Lists are for the 2021-2022 Legislative session updated as of June 13, 2022. Should you need this information in a different file format, please contact Caroline Lavoie at [email protected] or by phone at (603) 415-4260.

Board of Trustees


  • Chair:
    Kevin Donovan, FACHE,

    President & CEO, LRGHealthcare

  • Vice Chair:
    Dean Carucci

    Chief Executive Officer, Portsmouth Regional Hospital

  • Secretary/Treasurer and AHA RPB Delegate:
    Greg Baxter

    MD, President, Elliot Health System

  • Immediate Past Chair:
    Don Caruso

    MD, President & CEO, Cheshire Medical Center

  • President:
    Stephen Ahnen

    ex officio


  • St. Joseph Hospital

    John Jurczyk, FACHE, President & CEO

  • Michael Lee, President

    Weeks Medical Center

  • Eileen Keefe, CNO

    Parkland Medical Center

Steve Ahnen
Vice President
Kathy Bizarro-Thunberg
Vice President
Nick Carano
Vice President
George Devoid
Vice President
George Devoid
Vice President
Steve Ahnen
Vice President
Steve Ahnen
Vice President
Steve Ahnen
Vice President
Steve Ahnen
Vice President

Contact Us


125 Airport Road
Concord , NH 03301

Phone : (603) - 225 - 0900

Fax : (603) - 225 - 4346