The New Hampshire Hospital Association works closely with the American Hospital Association and other groups to ensure that New Hampshire hospitals and health systems are well represented in Washington D.C covering congressional actions and federal agency policy issues. New Hampshire hospitals are essential to the health and well-being of Granite Staters – providing care, delivering babies, and saving lives. As the largest employer in their communities, hospitals serve as economic engines while existing as places of health, healing, and hope.
Working with our NH congressional delegation, our federal advocacy prioritizes health care funding and financial viability, enhancing quality, patient safety and equity, protecting patients’ access to health care services and treatments, advancing affordable health coverage, supporting a fair regulatory environment, reduce administrative burdens and strengthening and empowering our future health care workforce.

The engagement of both state and federal policy makers has been invaluable in supporting hospitals’ COVID-19 response effort including public health engagement, personal protective equipment, testing supplies and COVID-19 vaccines. The New Hampshire Hospital Association continues to advocate for additional Provider Relief Funds that would cover the state’s surges of COVID-19 hospitalizations in 2021; making permanent or extend certain waivers that were made possible under the federal public health emergency that support improvements in patient care; extension of the moratorium on Medicare sequester cuts; coverage of COVID-19 vaccines, testing and treatments; targeted liability protection; and continuation of telehealth and telemedicine payments and policies that ensure access to care.
The American Hospital Association’s Hospitals Against Violence Initiative (HAV) shares examples and best practices with the field, with a particular emphasis on youth violence prevention, workplace violence prevention and combatting human trafficking. Explore this page to learn more about effective prevention strategies and program development on national, state and local levels to help end violence in our communities and to help hospital employees cope with the impact of violence, whether at home, on the job or in their neighborhoods.