The New Hampshire Hospital Association was instrumental in its advocacy efforts in making the New Hampshire Health Care Quality & Patient Safety Commission (NHHCQC) a permanent commission in 2019, ensuring that hospitals and ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs) have a safe, confidential environment to share information on adverse patient care events while learning how to prevent them.
The NHHCQSC plays a vital role in promoting safe, quality care practices as it enables health care providers to share information about adverse outcomes and prevention strategies in a safe, learning environment that fosters candor and self-critical analysis. Administered by the Foundation, the Commission strives to improve quality of care for patients by implementing high reliability, cultures of safety and sustainable improvement through the statewide adoption of consensus-based patient safety initiatives, the commitment to accountability through data collection and reporting, and the sharing of evidence-based best practices.
The New Hampshire Hospital Association works with key stakeholders and policy makers to ensure state and federal regulations protect quality and safety oversight in the delivery of health care.